Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Healthier Halloween Snacks!

It's that time of year when I feel like everywhere I turn, my kids are being handed some sort of junk food because "It's Halloween season!" Ugh. On Halloween, we let our kids eat candy. We don't exchange what they get from trick or treating for "healthier" options. And yes, they hold onto a couple of things to eat in the following days. But in all honesty, the novelty pretty much ends a couple of days later. I end up chucking a whole lot of candy (or hauling it to a dentist's office). Because I certainly don't need - or even want! - it around. 

But, I digress. This post was going to be about healthier Halloween options! So here are some options that aren't just straight up sugar:

Green monster popsicles (or smoothies): these are easy to make and if you have a popsicle mold, easy to freeze too. Just toss in two bananas, two handfuls of spinach, and some milk. These are great for play dates and even smaller classes - just take the smoothie already mixed up and pour into small, clear cups. The kids can decorate the monster "faces" on the cups before you pour the smoothies. 

Clementine or applesauce jack o lanterns: either draw a jack o lantern face on a clementine, or tape an orange circular piece of paper on top of an applesauce cup and draw a jack o lantern face on that. I took the applesauce cups to my (then 3 year old) daughter's preschool class and they loved them!

Sugar cookie jack o lantern: bake sugar cookies, cut up fruit into small pieces, and have the kids make the faces on the cookies before eating them

Trail mix: popcorn, pretzels, cheerios, nuts (optional), and candy corn mixed together. We are sending little baggies of these for my oldest's class on Friday.

Pretzel ghosts: dip one end of a medium pretzel stick into melted white chocolate, dot with two mini chocolate chips for eyes, lay on wax paper to cool and harden.

Pretzel spiders: use a one inch piece of banana as the "body" and stick thin pretzels into it for the legs. 

What healthier halloween treat ideas have you had or served that were big hits?

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