People ask me all the time how my kids eat as well as they do, or tell me that I'm so lucky that my kids eat the variety that they eat. Well, folks, I'm here to tell you that it's not luck. It takes a lot of work. And it's much easier if you start when they are young. What you offer, how you talk about food, the variety that YOU eat, and the healthy balance that you show as a role model - all are very important to keep in mind when you are teaching good eating habits.
When babies start eating solids, it's important to introduce a variety of different foods. There are some studies that discuss order of introduction, and whether or not that affects food preferences. There are also different ways of introducing foods including puréed and "baby led weaning" as two of the more popular ones. I won't get into which is better because families can make the best choice for themselves. With both of these methods, a key is feeding a variety of foods. As babies grow into toddlers, it's important to continue introducing new foods alongside familiar foods. Like most parents of toddlers, I understand the toddler tantrums and how easy it is to just offer the same thing day in and day out, but you're not setting your child up to love many different foods that way!
As they get older, enlighten them. Talk to them about *how* to make healthier choices. Tell them to think about what else they have eaten when they are wanting some junk food, or ask for desserts, or even certain types of snacks. My kids love eating bars and my youngest would eat multiple in a day. Now we discuss how to eat balanced meals throughout the day (& week), and what they have and haven't eaten in order to get proper nutrients.
Can you guess one of the biggest predictors in whether or not your child will be open to trying new foods? Yep, you guessed it. YOU. If your child doesn't see you eating the way you want them to eat, and being adventurous in food the way you want them to be, they will most likely not be open to new foods. Make sure you revamp your eating habits while you are working on your child's. It will make changing your child's habits easier!
And, as with everything parenting-related, consistency is key! Don't give in or take the easy road - this is a battle you DO want to fight, for the health of your child! So remember, start young, feed a variety of healthful meals and snacks often, and you too can be "lucky" to have a great eater!