Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas Cookies

It's time to start baking Christmas cookies! We don't generally do the traditional sugar cookie shapes and decorations, (though I'm sure my kids would love to). But we do have some regulars that end up in the cookie jar year after year. We don't have cookies or dessert around all the time so this is a big exception for me! But it's something my husband grew up with and we started baking cookies annually before we even got married. Here are a few "Christmas cookie" staples at our house:

One of the easiest is the cranberry-white chocolate. We LOOOVE this cookie. This year, I mixed in some chocolate covered toffee bits in about a third of the dough, too. It's a great base with so many options!

The next favorite is one that my mother-in-law used to bake, and I got the recipe from her. This one is very similar to her recipe. I love this cookie, as it has a lot of different flavors and depth. But it takes a little more effort and time to bake. 

Here is another one my mother-in-law used to make, one of my favorites and this is great with some afternoon coffee or tea. It's a simple recipe with a couple of different steps. My husband and his brothers grew up calling these "butt cookies" - mature, right? ;) They're called Baci di Dama cookies, or lady's kisses. This David Lebovitz recipe is very similar except I usually sub almond for the hazelnut.

This is one of my husband's favorites. It's the classic peanut butter blossom cookie. There are so many different ways to make it but the version we make is usually this one.

These aren't baked at my house, but my mom usually makes at least one batch of Iraqi cookies called kletcha. They're more savory than traditional American Christmas cookies but my girls and I love helping out, and having some. I have a handwritten recipe that I jotted down as she made them several years ago, but this one is very similar.

Which cookies do you bake during the holidays?

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